Catch Basins, also known as storm drains or curb inlets, are openings for storm drain systems which catch debris and sediments through a grate, curb inlet, or sump. The purpose of a catch basin is to prevent items such as trash and other floatable materials from entering the drainage system, and the waterways which it empties into. Catch basins typically begin with a gated hood, which prevents large items from being carried by water into the drainage system. Catch Basins aid the stormwater treatment practices, as they allow larger sediments to settle in the basin’s sump areas. Additionally, Catch Basins filter out pollutants to protect water quality.
In order to sustain proper drainage catch basins must be cleaned regularly, to continue to allow the free flow of water. A catch basin that’s full of debris and sediment will block the entrance to the sewer and drainage system, and will often cause improper water drainage and flooding. Clogged catch basins are often the cause when parking lots or streets are flooded, which can be prevented by having catch basins cleaned regularly.
Don Mar, Inc.’s jet-vac combo truck specializes in catch basin cleaning. By using high pressure water jetting equipment and industrial strength vacuums, our truck is able to clean catch basins both efficiently and effectively. We recommend that catch basins be cleaned before they are half-full, in order to maintain sump capacity. In most areas we recommend for catch basins to be cleaned once a year; however, areas that receive above average debris accumulation should have catch basins cleaned more frequently.
Don Mar Inc. Storm Water Solutions: Your Reliable Partner in Infrastructure Maintenance
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